The Amaral Group Achieves Gold Partnership Status (Q01 FY23)
The Amaral Group is excited to announce its promotion to Gold-level partner with Adobe. This achievement continues the successes of the past year, beginning with being named a Certified partner, skipping Silver, and going right to Gold! To become a Gold partner and reach these milestones, our team at The Amaral Group has continually dedicated themselves to expanding their knowledge and capabilities of Adobe’s product offerings. We have achieved or maintained 6 months minimum as an Adobe Authorized Reseller, met at least “250 minimum annual Creative Cloud units or 250 annual Acrobat units sold through the VIP program”, and transacted a minimum of (1) VIP sale in each of the preceding 4 quarters.
In order to do make this achievement our team at The Amaral Group had to maintain specialized training and knowledge in Adobe’s full suite of product offerings, launch a large number of successful Adobe Experience Cloud customer deployments, and provide top tier customer satisfaction ratings. The Amaral Group is proud to be part of Adobe’s network of trusted partners, allowing us to continue delivering top-quality Adobe product support and recommendations that fully leverage all of the Adobe partnership capabilities and functionality. With the Gold-level partner status, The Amaral Group has access to the latest development opportunities, allowing our team to stay up-to-date on Adobe’s latest and further expand their team’s expertise. We at The Amaral Group would like to thank our clients for providing new challenges and for trusting our team’s expertise and consistency. The Amaral Group is ready to facilitate any Adobe Creative Cloud or Acrobat projects from end to end.
Please contact our sales department for any sales or support assistance you may need for your next Adobe project!